Saturday, December 20, 2008


In our house, we have been promoting Christmas as Jesus's birthday. Earlier this week, we recieved a package from Grandma Robbins. The Little asked what it was, and I told her it was a present for her from Grandma. She asked if we were going to open it. Dale said that we would open it on Jesus's birthday. The Little says, "So when Jesus comes to our house, we will open the present." Laughter ensued. Hey, if Uncle Allen comes to our house for his birthday, then why shouldn't Jesus come for his? I love the mind of a 3 year old!

Uncle Allen and soon to be Aunt Heather's Birthday Party

My little brother Allen and his fiancee Heather have birthdays that are 4 days apart. On the Saturday between the birthdays, they came up to our place for some hamburgers and cake! Fun time was had by all.

What a nice "blanket"!

Our Musical Child

For those people who know us will probably not be surprised to learn that the Little loves music. She loves to sing, dance, and play the piano. I thought this was cute.

Going to the Park

Since I started working full time again at the end of September, the Little and I have not gone on nearly as many outings. So, during the Thanksgiving weekend, we went to the park every day. Her favorite piece of playground equipment is, of course, the swing.

She also enjoys going down the slide and riding on the dinosaur.

While watching her go down the slide, I noticed a message that really made me feel that all was right with the world. I feel such peace knowing that Ellie and Shea are Best Friends Forever. :)

Daddy's Birthday

Dale's birthday was the beginning of November. For his birthday, I will sometimes make him a Red Velvet cake. This cake is a royal pain to make, so when I do make it, it is the only present he gets from me. It is his favorite cake--a very southern thing. Here's a picture of this year's cake.


When I initially asked the Little what she wanted to be for Halloween, she said a pig. I was okay with that, and started researching how to do a home made pig costume. Her school does a Halloween parade where they walk around the block in their costumes, so it was important that she dress up. Anyway, a couple of days before Halloween, she said that she didn't want to be a pig, she wanted to be a puppy. So, we did a puppy costume instead of pig costume.
She was a little unsure of wearing her costume to school. However, when she saw all of the other kids wearing their costumes, she was okay with it.

Here is the Little in her Halloween parade.

The Little got to go trunk or treating with her Aunt Rebekah. They had a wonderful time. Rebekah was a gypsy.

First day of School

On September 22, 2008, the Little started preschool. It was a very exciting day. She loves learning about letters. She can now identify several. Of course, I took the obligatory "first day of school" picture.