Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Since December

We had a wonderful Christmas--at some point I will post the pictures.

On January 2 my sister had her twins. She was only 25 weeks along, and one of the little guys didn't make it. I was able to go to Iowa to be with her for the funeral. I was so grateful to be able to spend time with her. The other little boy is having good days and bad days, but overall he is doing well.

The last week of January, Dale was part of a corporate lay off. Yipee. Fortunately, we got a decent severance package and I'm working with benefits. Right now we are focusing on getting him through school.

The first week of February, our computer got eaten by a virus. We have cleaned it and recovered a lot of the files. We are still struggling to get all of our software back on it. For some reason, there are several websites our service does not want us to access. For example, walmart.com, citicards.com, and quicken.intuit.com to name a few. Very frustrating.

Over all, life is good. We are pretty happy people. Sometimes, though, it feels like one rock after another is being aimed at you.

Complaining is done.


The Little: The Princess is a girl. Mommy is a girl. Me is a girl.
Me(correcting her): I'm a girl.
The Little: Mommy, I already did you!